Fitness Library

Tom Venuto
Author of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
Natural Bodybuilding Champion

Tom's book Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is often referred to as "The Fat Loss Bible". Tens of thousands of people have changed their lives using Tom's approach. On this call he's going to reveal his most powerful exercises for building muscle, how to turn your body into a 24 hour a day fat burning machine, and his own personal mental strategies he uses for unlimited motivation. 

Isabel De Los Rios
Certified Nutritionist
Author of Beyond Diet

Isabel not only teaches her clients the principles of good nutrition but inspires and motivates them to achieve a life of health and vitality. Listen to Isabel share the same revolutionary dietary principles she used to drop 30 pounds and her diabetic mom used to transform her body and health. You'll find out which foods are guaranteed to sabotage your success and how to replace them, so you get the results you desire.

Shawn Phillips
Author of Strength For Life
Creator of Focus Intensity Training

While Shawn has gained fame for his trademark abs, magazine covers and innovative articles. He's best known by athletes, celebrities and tens of thousands of people for his revolutionary approach to creating vibrant health and profound strength.
If you want to personally experience this strength in your own life, then listen to Shawn explain his system of strength training that fully engages the power of a focused mind and peak concentrated physical intensity for a workout that is more effective, more efficient and infinitely more fun.

Kris Fondran
Creator of Shapeshifter Yoga
Certified Yoga Instructor

If you hate working out at a gym, either because you feel uncomfortable or don't have the time then you need to listen to this interview. You can get in the best shape of your life without leaving your home and without buying a lot of equipment.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Expert
Author of the Truth About Six Pack Abs

As the author of the #1 ranked Abs E-book in the world, Mike has helped 100s of thousands of people in 150 countries blowtorch belly fat and create rock hard abdominal muscles. 
Listen in on this call as Mike exposes which so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that stimulate belly fat. And he'll also reveal why sit-ups, crunches, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective methods for getting flat six-pack abs, and what you should be doing instead.

Holly Rigsby
Certified Personal Trainer
Author of Fit Yummy Mummy

Holly is a master at balancing the responsibilities of being a mom, working, and creating a dream body. She's helped thousands of other moms burn off their "baby fat" with fun, fast sessions that can be done without having to leave the house.
Listen in as Holly reveals her secret techniques for getting  your pre-baby body back, burning off baby fat forever, and how to get fit in less than 90 minutes per week. If you've struggled to get your body back, you have to listen to this call.
