jim katsoulisThank you for taking time to look over my website. My name is Jim Katsoulis, and I have spent the last 6 years helping people create powerful changes in their lives. If you are like most of us, than you want to experience more in your life. Hypnosis and NLP are not cure-alls, but they do offer the most effective maps of how to create lasting change in your life.

When you begin to understand the structure of change, you begin to really feel hope again. When you realize that you can program your mind as easily as you can program a computer you will notice that your mind begins to get excited at the possibilities of what you would change. And that excitement is the beginning of true change. You see, true change begins with excitement, not struggle.

In my own life I have used these understandings to completely change the direction of my career, health, and relationships. Ten years ago I was in business school grinding away at a finance degree that I didn’t even want, I was close to 200 pounds, and I didn’t want to talk to anybody. I have to admit that I consider it a miracle that I was exposed to Hypnosis, Yoga, and NLP. For the first time in my life I began to realize that I was in control of my life and what I was experiencing. This realization was exciting because I then understood that if I was creating a life I didn’t like then the opposite must also be true and I must also be able to create one that I do like, and from that point I began using these tools to literally create a new life for myself.

I am thankful for having been able to learn from some of the best people in the fields of personal change. I have been certified as a Master Hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists, the largest and oldest organization of its kind. I have received my Master NLP Practitioner Certification from Bennett/Stellar University. I received my Yoga Instructor certification from Sivananda ashram in Val Morin, Canada, and am a practicing Level II Reiki practitioner.

One of the great joys in my life is helping people recapture their sense of excitement, passion, and gratitude. I know from personal experience after using these methods on myself and others that they can help even when everything else has failed.

So, as you sit there reading this, you may begin to notice that you haven’t taken a deep satisfying breath in a while, and do that now…and you might also notice that you haven’t really let your shoulders relax because as you feel a little better you can begin to imagine all the little things you could do to improve your life everyday. And if all of a sudden you become aware of some noise that you didn’t notice a second ago, you can also notice that opportunities to feel better are also around you just waiting to be noticed too. I hope you enjoy this website.


Jim Katsoulis